Our Policies

We believe we can all make a difference to people, places and the planet. We also belive that although small we can make a difference here at Ingenious Oz Project, not just in the research we undertake but in the actions we take as well.
1. All our power usage is solar and when not solar is not active we use 100% accredited Green Power.
2. When travelling, we choose to use carbon credits on flights where and when possible.
3. We contribute to 'Greening Australia' monthly.
No BS Policy

We Believe Most People Have High BS Filters. Which is why we are now publically sharing our no BS policy. It's something we've had for a long time and one of the key values we operate by. It's about being genuine, real and not hiding behind a facade. It's about being authentic in our words, actions and what we stand for, because that means real connections are made and sustainable business growth follows.
So, here's our 'No BS' policy.
1. We will always stay true to who we are and what we do.
2. We will always endeavour to be down-to-earth, open and honest.
3. We will always endeavour to say it simply, concisely without convoluted language.
4. If we aren't comfortable with a brief or a proposal we'll let you know.
5. If we feel we can't add value, we won't do it.
6. We choose to work with people and organisationswe like, trust we feel aligned with.
Diversity & Inclusion; Acknowledgement of 1st Nations people; Ethics